You can find out more about the ADCL using the Research, Publications, and People links above. Our group meetings are open to the public. Join our mailing list for weekly emails with group meeting details.


30 Jun 2024 Our paper "Feasibility-Guided Safety-Aware Model Predictive Control for Jump Markov Linear Systems " has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024.
26 Apr 2024 Our paper "Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration for Undiscounted POMDPs with Reachability Objectives" has been accepted for presentation at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2024.
26 Apr 2024 Our paper "Recursively-Constrained Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes" has been accepted for presentation at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2024.
28 Feb 2024 Our workshop paper on "Leveraging Counterfactual Paths for Contrastive Explanations of POMDP Policies" has been accepted for presentation at the Explainability for Human-Robot Collaboration (X-HRI) Workshop at HRI 2024.
14 Feb 2024 Himanshu’s submission to the Doctoral Consortium at AAMAS-2024, entitled ‘Efficient Continuous Space BeliefMDP Solutions for Navigation and Active Sensing’ has been accepted.
12 Feb 2024 Our paper "Human-Centered Autonomy for Autonomous sUAS Target Search" has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024.
19 Jan 2024 Our paper "Cieran: Designing Sequential Colormaps with a Teachable Robot" has been accepted to the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2024.
16 Nov 2023 Our paper on "Sampling-based Reactive Synthesis for Nondeterministic Hybrid Systems" has been accepted for a journal publication in the Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
30 Oct 2023 Our paper on "Investigation of risk-aware MDP and POMDP contingency management autonomy for UAS" has been accepted for a journal publication in the Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
27 Oct 2023 We published a new Julia package that can create a probabilistic roadmap (PRM) for any given environment.
28 Sep 2023 We published a new Julia package that implements the Hybrid A* algorithm.
21 Aug 2023 The ADCL will be part of a major new effort to improve space domain awareness in cislunar space, collaborating with researchers at CU, Texas A&M, and Georgia Tech.
10 May 2023 We are organizing a workshop on inference and decision making at RSS 2023 on July 10.
17 Apr 2023 Our paper on "Optimality Guarantees for Particle Belief Approximation of POMDPs" has been accepted for a journal publication in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
12 Apr 2023 Our paper on "Explanation through Reward Model Reconciliation using POMDP Tree Search" has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Int’l. Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA) 2023
16 Jan 2023 Our paper on "Planning with SiMBA: Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Temporal Goals using Simplified Belief Guides" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE Int’l Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023.
10 Jan 2023 Our paper on "Navigation between initial and desired community states using shortcuts" has been accepted for a journal publication in Ecology Letters.
01 Oct 2022 Tyler and Jackson presented their respective research on imperfect information games and adaptive stress testing at the AMOS conference.
22 Aug 2022 We are organizing a workshop on game theory for CoRL 2022 on Dec 15.
04 Aug 2022 We released the POMDPTools package, consolidating important tools for POMDPs.jl
16 Jul 2022 Our paper on "Automaton-Guided Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications" has been accepted for presentation at CDC 2022.
11 Apr 2022 Himanshu successfully defended his Master’s Thesis. Congratulations Himanshu!
07 Apr 2022 Ben Kraske and John Tucker have received the NSF GRFP award. Congratulations Ben and John!
31 Jan 2022 Our paper on "Gaussian Belief Trees for Chance Constrained Asymptotically Optimal Motion Planning" has been accepted for presentation at ICRA 2022.
20 Dec 2021 Our paper on "Intention-Aware Navigation in Crowds with Extended-Space POMDP Planning" has been accepted for presentation at AAMAS 2022. (Slides)
01 Dec 2021 Our website is finally up!